27 Mar 2024
Boys Hockey Report - 2024

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U16 - Mr Vermeulen and Mr McAlister

Although short on fixtures this term, the Box Hill Under 16s developed as a unit throughout the term. Some notable performances came against Moon Hall and Duke of Kent, both of which provided the boys with tough opposition. What was particularly pleasing was the progress made on home turf, with the boys gradually learning how best to utilise the Box Hill astroturf pitch for small-sided, 6-a-side matches.

Injuries, sadly, plagued the team, and Alex and Ilyas M were disappointed not to have played more. Harry T stepped in as captain and led by example, along with James R whose hockey has seen significant improvement now that he is playing consistently outside school. Rolando W gave the squad enormous strength, due to his ability to play in any position. Special mention must go to Fill N who clearly caught the goalkeeping bug last year and was determined to improve further this season. His skills and awareness between the posts was impressive. Sonny P and George H both impressed on a regular basis and the level of skill from both individuals has increased greatly.

Despite the fact that the team was lacking in match practice, all the boys continued to train hard, whatever the weather. It is hoped that they have developed a love for the game and continue to play long after their Box Hill careers have finished.